Penfolds BIN 311 Chardonnay 750ml



Bin 311 Chardonnay truly reflects the winemakers’ mantra ‘we always go where the fruit grows best and where it best suits style’.

In 2018, fruit sourcing moved to multi-regional cool-climate regions; Adelaide Hills, Tumbarumba, Tasmania. In true Bin 311 style, it exhibits lemon/lime aromas and a mineral acid backbone, complemented by barrel fermentation and maturation in seasoned oak.

Minimal filtration is employed, preserving elegant fruit flavours.




A persistent citrus line framed by white stone fruit – sliced fresh peach and dare mention – peach bellini.

Again, a lovely linearity evident.

All balanced by mouthwatering acidity with a subtle, nutty mealiness. Whist this acidity is quite pronounced (almost pithy),

the French oak underpinning is not...

A cool-climate mix of three great Chardonnay regional sources – fulfilling all palate flavour and structural expectations.

A wonderful union, an enlightened blend.



Tasmania experienced typically plentiful winter rainfall, however spring began quite dry with September well down on the long-term average.

Generally warm spring temperatures were recorded with no significant frost events reported. Summer was very warm and very dry, conditions that prevailed through to harvest.

The Adelaide Hills growing season rainfall was below average, however good falls in June and August ensured optimal soil moisture levels for budburst.

Cold, wet and windy weather set in during flowering and in contrast to some warmer regions, Adelaide Hills vines were well placed to see off the summer heat spikes with few issues.

Tumbarumba had significant heavy rainfalls in November. Conditions were generally hot in summer, with two heatwaves in January mitigated by cooler spells in-between. The growing season finished well, with mild conditions leading into vintage.

Chardonnay displayed strong varietal character and retained good natural acidity across the three regions.



Bin 311 was first vintaged in 2005. True to House Style, Bin 311 Chardonnay takes advantage of the classification system and flow down of high-grade fruit, including material initially earmarked for Yattarna Chardonnay.

Although primarily based on Tumbarumba fruit until recent years, the style is not based on terroir, but on a high altitude/low latitude cool-climate fruit profile.

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