Penfolds BIN 150 Marananga Shiraz 750ml



Bin 150 Marananga Shiraz is a sub-regional expression that is unmistakably Penfolds in character.

Conceived from the ancient soils of Marananga, which lie very close to the centre of the Barossa Valley floor – slightly to the North West, where warm dry conditions and rich red soil provide the backbone to some of the region’s best-known wines.

Each release delivers a contemporary shiraz alternative, framed by a mix of oaks; French and American, old and new – crafted in accordance with the traditional Penfolds method.



A boysenberry/mulberry slurry, almost a coulis, with a smidgeon of cola/creamy soda flavours.

Prominent tannins augment and propel an impression of a svelte film of raspberry seeds/pips, to heighten textural appeal. Supportive oak adds weight – contributing structurally yet hesitating to add to the flavour-pool.

An ironstone/ferrous (haemoglobin) impression noted on back-palate.


Dry conditions prevailed during vine dormancy and the start of the growing season, with Marananga experiencing autumn rainfall well below average, a trend that continued into the early part of winter.

A quarter of the long-term average rainfall was achieved in June. The second half of winter was wetter, with vines entering the growing season with good soil moisture profiles.

Temperatures were below average during winter, however it warmed substantially through spring boosting vine growth and rushing the vines through flowering. Summer was dry, with no recorded major rain events.

This carried into January with a heat spike around veraison causing vines to stall, pushing the start of harvest out by a week or so.

The warm weather carried into autumn, setting up an Indian summer with favourable conditions for ripening grapes, and this coupled with dry conditions set up a high-quality vintage.



Conceived from the ancient soils of Marananga, which lies very close to the centre of the Barossa Valley floor – slightly to the north and west, where warm dry conditions and rich red soils, provide the backbone to some of the region’s best known wines.

It was first introduced in 2008 in response to increasing availability of exceptional fruit. The style has a beautiful lasting quality and will repay medium to long-term cellaring.

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