Why You Should Use More Online Grocery Shopping

Why You Should Use More Online Grocery Shopping

Every time I hear another mom talking about how they drive the gauntlet each week, shopping at several different grocery stores trying to find the best bargains and healthy products for their family, I want to jump up, arms waving, and shout “Please STOP! I know you are way too busy to do that, and you can find even better deals, without ever leaving your house (or your pajamas)!”


Well, I subdue my excitement in real life, because who wants to be that crazy lady telling other people how to do their grocery shopping? But here on the blog, I’m not going to hold back.

I can’t wait to share with you this discovery that has been a total game changer for me. It’s one of those things that has become more and more of a part of our lifestyle, helping us to eat healthier, save money on groceries, and save a ton of time!

That’s right, I’m talking about online grocery shopping!

In fact, I’ve been surprised about some of the ways that taking my grocery shopping online has allowed me to save time and money in some unexpected ways.

Why You Should Be Online Grocery Shopping

Here are 5 reasons I love grocery shopping online and why I believe you should be taking full advantage of this amazing grocery savings tool. After this you’ll be ready to ditch the grocery store for good!

Probably one of the more obvious advantages to online grocery shopping is that it saves money. You can quickly shop around to multiple stores to find the best deal without ever leaving home.

To get started, check out my Natural and Organic Grocery Price List.

2. Save on Natural & Allergy Friendly Products

Like you, I try to buy the healthiest foods and products that I can afford for my family.

And like many of you, our family is dealing with food allergies and intolerances that can make grocery shopping expensive. While I do my best to save money on gluten free and dairy free foods, online grocery shopping makes it way easier!

Not only that, but sometimes, it’s downright hard to find natural and allergy friendly alternatives in our small town at all, let alone at a good price.

Online Grocery Shopping has totally changed the game for me in this area! Before, I might have driven to another city or even across the state line to find the healthy, natural products I was looking for. Once there I probably would have found just one highly priced option.

Now I can easily have my pick of the best natural brands, find the very best prices on them, and have them delivered directly to my door. Most of the time I don’t pay any shipping at all.

3. Save Money by Investing in Quality

Another way that online grocery shopping saves money is allowing me to invest in quality by comparing reviews on a range of products. Does it taste good? Is it really gluten free? etc.

I’d be totally unable to do when standing in front of a grocery store shelf.

4. Save Time

I really believe that any method of grocery savings must save not only money, but also time. If not, there’s not a very good chance that I (or the busy moms that read GrowingSlower) will be able to continue to achieve consistent savings.

This is why online grocery shopping is one of my favorite ways to save money. I can consistently get great deals without ever leaving home. It saves me so much time!

In this season with two small children, this discovery has been a lifesaver!

5. Save Money on Transportation

Not only does online grocery shopping save time (not to mention my sanity) and money by allowing you to shop the best deals right from home, it also saves big on transportation costs.

You might not at first think that an extra trip from the store would cost much, but consider that the current cost to operate a car is around 57 cents per mile. For me, a trip to the grocery store is 3.5 miles, or $2.00; a trip to Target or Costco is about 8 miles, or $4.56!

Now imagine that you’re going to several stores each week looking for the best prices. Are you even saving enough to cover your transportation costs?

One of the biggest savings you might realize from online grocery shopping is being able to get rid of one car all together. One of the ways we kept expenses low while we were paying off our debt was by being a one car family.

When you consider the fuel, insurance, licensing, financing, maintenance, repairs, and depreciation, the potential savings is thousands of dollars per year. It would have been so much harder to make this work without being able to use online grocery shopping.

Why you should Use More Online Grocery Shopping

You’ve already seen how I use online grocery shopping to save tons of time and money by quickly comparing prices on quality products right from home. Now I want to get into the nitty gritty on exactly how to maximize your savings.

Since I began grocery shopping online a couple of years ago, there are more and more options available, but it can be overwhelming. There’s so much more than just Amazon out there!

That’s why this is the first post in a new series all about where to shop, what to buy, how to save, and how to avoid paying shipping at some of my favorite online grocery stores. Check out all my grocery savings posts here.



Source: https://growingslower.com/online-grocery-shopping/

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