Kewpie Japanese Dressing Roasted Sesame (Spicy Flavour) 210ml


ນ້ຳສະຫຼັດງາຂົ້ວຍີ່ປຸ່ນຄິວພີ (ລົດເຜັດ)
ບາໂຄດຂວດ: 8852022033304

Unleash your taste buds with Kewpie Japanese Dressing! Infused with spicy roasted sesame flavor, this 210ml bottle will add a bold kick to your meals. Perfect for taking risks in your cooking and adding adventure to your dishes. Experience Japanese cuisine like never before!

Kewpie Japanese Dressing Roasted  Sesame (Spicy Flavour) 210ml

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